[comp.sys.sgi] VME AD converter board

kalle@sima.sintef.no (03/24/91)

I am in the process of doing some real time integrated analogue input/
Finite ELement Analysis/Graphics Postprocessing on one of our Personal 
Irises and probably a 320 VGX system.

For that I have 2 choices

   . using a PC with ATbus AD converter for datalogging and the rest on
     the Irises

   . doing the whole thing on the Irises

For what I have heard, there are VERY few (if ANY) people that have used
Irises for AD operations, so (as the project leader), I am beginning to
reduce my abitions from doing a fancy one-unit show to a less fancy but
probably safer two-unit show -- just that I really DO hate to introduce
the uncertainty of splitting up operations between two machines...

Anyone out there knowing of VME boards for AD convertion ? Anyone used
such ? Any libraries or should i read the boards addresses directly ?

Please mail answers directly to me, and I will post a summary of the
interesting findings...


Karl Eggestad,                        
Research Scientist,
SINTEF Industrial Mathematics

!From the keyboard of Karl Eggestad. These opinions are mine, and do not !
! necessarily reflect those of my employer, SINTEF of Trondheim, Norway. !