[comp.sys.sgi] Communication over ethernet without TCP/IP

jsivier@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Jonathon Sivier ) (03/28/91)

    I have a need to communicate with another machine which is not running
TCP/IP.  It has it's own protocol.  I know the format and the 6 byte physical
ethernet address.  Does anyone have any tips, hints or pointers as to how to
directly interface with the IRIS's ethernet card?  Are there any docs or
example programs on this?  And how do I find out what the IRIS's physical
address is?  Has anyone out there worked on something like this?

    Thanks for your assistance.


|  Jonathan Sivier               |  Ballo ergo sum.               |
|  jsivier@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu      |  (I dance therefore I am.)     |
|  Flight Simulation Lab         |	        - des Cartwright  |
|  Beckman Institute             |                                |
|  405 N. Mathews                |                                |
|  Urbana, IL  61801             |                                |