[comp.sys.sgi] digitiser tablet

levine%351m.decnet@SCFB.NWC.NAVY.MIL ("351M::LEVINE") (04/05/91)

	Just yesterday I got in a Hitachi HDG-1111C digitiser tablet
for our 280 (IRIX 3.3.1). Useing the very sparse documentation supplied,
I installed it on port ttyd1 and started the daemon tabletd.
	One of the users then attempted to use the tablet from within
a program but found that the 4 button mouse would not produce an event 
recognized by the event queue or a value from getvauator(). I know that
the tablet is working as I can stop tabletd and read the output from the
tablet with no problems. 
	Below is a code fragment of the program trying to detect an event
from the digitiser.

#include "gl.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "fmclient.h"
while(1){ dev=qread(&value);
	else if (dev==BPAD1)
	{	xpad=getevaluator(BPADX);
	All sugestions,help, etc greatfully accepted.

Michael N. LeVine  Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Ca 93555, USA
Internet: levine%fidler.decnet@scfb.nwc.navy.mil,levine%fidler.decnet@
(619) 939-2614  avn  437-2614 

 "Waiter, there's a bug in my soup!"        
 "No, Sir, it's not a bug, it's a feature!"