[comp.sys.sgi] DGL, Supercomputing, high-speed networks

tttron@escher.lerc.nasa.gov (William Krauss) (04/09/91)

Greetings again.  Ny previous post regarding DGL, supercomputing and
high-speed networks had a *slight* error which I'd like to correct. After
consulting my UltraNet guru (that's you John S.), I find that my numbers
regarding the transfer rate between Cray and SGI 4D/340 VGX were a bit(?!) 
off. If you recall I stated:

>A brief note about UltraNet: it is rated as a Gigabit network (this is between 
>high I/O machines like 2 Crays). The performance from a Cray to say, a VGX, is
>about 15 Megabits/second - not bad at all. Most of the time, since we have the 
>faster UltraNet route it is the path of choice (no such thing as too fast!).

I am told (as well as shown being the skeptic that I am!) that the numbers
should be about 12Mega BYTES (not BITS)!! I never said I was a network guru


>>>> William D. Krauss			NASA Lewis Research Center  <<<<
>>>> Graphics Visualization Lab		Cleveland, OH 44135    USA  <<<< 
>>>> tttron@escher.lerc.nasa.gov(      (216) 433-8720  <<<<