[comp.sys.sgi] Memory board errors

scfisher@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Steven Fisher) (04/11/91)

We have a 4D-310GTXB, and we are adding memory to it to fill it out at
256MB.  When I added the last set of SIMMs to up the memory size from
224MB to 256MB, I get an error message when I run the memory
diagnostics.  Below is the message:

running mem 1 - Memory Sockets Connection Test

Running on processor 0


Exception pc: 0x9004efa4
Cause register: 0x3000000c<CE=3,EXC=WMISS>
Status register: 0x488004<BEV,CM,IM8,IPL=7,IEp>
Bad Vaddress: 0xcfd00000
Mpsr:f0008:id 0 FP
Registers (in hex):
   arg: ff900f00 cf900000 3f00 1
   tmp: cf90000c cf900010 5a5a5a5a cf900000c fc00000 cfd00000 a5a5a5a5 cfd00000
   sve: 3f 0 0 b065aeac 3 b0628f85 0 0
   t8 40 t9 10000000 at 1 v0 488001 v1 1 k1 b019e860
   gp b00e8b10 fp b02f9fe8 sp b02f9fa8 ra 9004ef50

I tried switching SIMMs, but the error stays the same.  With 224MB of
memory, it passes all of the memory diagnostic tests.

The memory board serial number is "MC2 ASSY 030-0117-010 REV A"

Any ideas?
