[comp.sys.sgi] Optimized BLAS library on ftp anonymous

schreiber@schreiber.asd.sgi.com (Olivier Schreiber) (04/13/91)

BLAS:   All the "single" and "double precision" 
        routines have been optimized, and the BLAS 2 and BLAS 3 ones had been 
        parallelized. Soon, in less than two months, optimization of the 
        "complex" and "double complex" will be finished. 

        A binary file of LIBBLAS library is available on SGI's FTP server 
        ( in the directory "sgi/libblas". 

        If you have applications using the BLAS, and especially the level 3, 
        you should see a real difference. DGEMM can run at more than 80 Mflops 
        on a 4D/380, and SGEMM at more than 100 Mflops.

        Send comments/complains/bug reports to :

        Jean-Pierre Panziera
        Silicon Graphics
        fax   : (415)962-9601
        E-Mail: jpp@corp.sgi.com

LAPACK: SGI is now back on the beta testing list for LAPACK. 

BLAS library will be bundled with the compilers starting with next release 4.0.
Other than LAPACK/BLAS libraries, FFTs, skyline solvers, Convolutions, ... will
soon be available to SGI's users.

Olivier Schreiber  Technical Marketing schreiber@sgi.com (415)335 7353 MS/7L580
Silicon Graphics Inc.,  2011 North Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, Ca 94039-7311
                    Ignorance simplifies any problem.