[comp.sys.sgi] ICONIFIED wsh windows not starting

Dan Karron@UCBVAX.BERKELEY.EDU (04/17/91)

I have a script I use to startup a half dozen wsh windows as icons when I
log in. 

I am finding that about 1/3 to 1/2 of the windows startup incorrectly.

The terminal type query program I use (qterm) is not getting
any response from the window answerback string when the window is started
as an icon. I have to quick open the windows, let it start, then re-stow
the windows to avoid problems.

How can I 1) have the windows block till they are un-stowed (not so hos) or
          2) Have the window work properly even when stowed ! (i.e., 
	answerback properly!)

| karron@nyu.edu (e-mail alias )         Dan Karron, Research Associate      |
| Phone: 212 263 5210 Fax: 212 263 7190  New York University Medical Center  |
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