syscrc@GSUSGI1.GSU.EDU ("C. Randy Carpenter") (04/17/91)
With quality help from SGI, we finally got our sendmail to recognize MX records. The solution was to ftp the latest MX_sendmail from SGI.COM and to comment out the following two lines in the file that's bundled with it: 370,371c370,371 < R$*<@$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry LOCAL < R$*<@.$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry .LOCAL --- > #R$*<@$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry LOCAL > #R$*<@.$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry .LOCAL Thanks SGI! ====================================================================== Randy Carpenter Georgia State University (404) 651-2648 (roberts) (04/23/91)
In article <>, Randy Carpenter writes: > > The solution was to ftp the latest MX_sendmail from > SGI.COM and to comment out the following two lines in the > file that's bundled with it: > > 370,371c370,371 > < R$*<@$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry LOCAL > < R$*<@.$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry .LOCAL > --- > > #R$*<@$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry LOCAL > > #R$*<@.$D>$* $@$>29$1$2 retry .LOCAL As of 16:40 4/22/91, the bundled with MX_sendmail from SGI.COM already has these lines commented out. - Robert Stephens Silicon Graphics Inc.