igraham@SMAUG.PHYSICS.MCGILL.CA (Ian Graham) (04/21/91)
Greetings, Occasionally I find that my wsh's have been clobbered in some way: they still work, but the CR/LF combination has been clobbered, so that everything ends up being shifted across the screen ----> ls * file.out goof.but pplo.d etc....... How does one reset the shell (or stty, or whatever) to recover sane behaviour? Of course it can be fixed by killing the window and starting up a new one, but there must a more elegant way than that! Ian ___________________________________________ Ian Graham ______________ igraham@physics.mcgill.ca Tel: (514) 398-6526 Fax: (514) 398-8434
merritt@iris613.gsfc.nasa.gov (John H Merritt) (04/22/91)
In article <9104210155.AA13621@smaug.physics.mcgill.ca> igraham@SMAUG.PHYSICS.MCGILL.CA (Ian Graham) writes: >ls * > >file.out > goof.but > pplo.d > etc....... ^Jstty sane^J --- This should work most of the time. Default settings --- for 'erase character' etc. will be in effect. Note: ^J is control-J. John H. Merritt --> merritt@iris613.gsfc.nasa.gov Applied Research Corporation at NASA/GSFC "I am generally intolerant of ignorance, but I have made an exception in your case."
vic@wookie.wpd.sgi.com (Victor Mitnick) (04/23/91)
In <9104210155.AA13621@smaug.physics.mcgill.ca> igraham@SMAUG.PHYSICS.MCGILL.CA (Ian Graham) writes: >Greetings, ... >How does one reset the shell (or stty, or whatever) to recover >sane behaviour? Of course it can be fixed by killing the window and >starting up a new one, but there must a more elegant way than that! >Ian Have you tried the following? stty sane -- Vic Mitnick Silicon Graphics, Inc. vic@sgi.com System Software Division (415)335-1372 "We have to believe in free will; we've got no choice." - Isaac Bashevis Singer