[comp.sys.sgi] Two SHOWCASE problems

doelz@urz.unibas.ch (04/21/91)

Novice question: 

I just installed SHOWCASE on a 320. 

Two problems: First, I fail to import PICT files 
from my mac being transferred with FTP (both binary and ascii). 
The PICT format is not recognized if transferred as binary, 
and the scales from Cricket graph graphics show up badly, as do 
text passages. 

The second question is how to make rgb EPSF postscript files from SHOWCASE 
print on a B&W postscript laser. Does anyone have a cookbook for that ? 


|Dr. Reinhard Doelz  | X.400: S=doelz,OU=urz,O=unibas,P=switch,A=arcom,C=ch   |
|  Universitaets-    | RFC  : doelz@urz.unibas.ch                             |
|  rechenzentrum     | X.25 : psi%022846211142::embnet                        |
| Klingelbergstr.70  | Tel. : +41 61 267 2076    +----------------------------+
|  CH 4056 Basel     | Fax. : +41 61 261 6760    |    S W I T Z E R L A N D

sevick@ccf3.nrl.navy.mil (JOHN R SEVICK) (04/24/91)


This might not be the answer you're looking for, but we've done it.
Use showcase to bring up an EPSF file onto the screen.  Then use 
snapshot (carefully) to capture the image.  If this works for you,
or you found a better way, please respond.

			John R. Sevick