[comp.sys.sgi] Analysis wanted: Gaussian and Mopac output

doelz@urz.unibas.ch (04/24/91)

We are looking for a package that will read, and display as well as analyze, 
GAUSSIAN and MOPAC output files. The graphics should contain the ability 
to display both coordinates and graphs of tables. 

Pointers, Experiences, and offers appreciated. 


      I am posting this for a friend reachable at damm@urz.unibas.ch 

|Dr. Reinhard Doelz  | X.400: S=doelz,OU=urz,O=unibas,P=switch,A=arcom,C=ch   |
|  Universitaets-    | RFC  : doelz@urz.unibas.ch                             |
|  rechenzentrum     | X.25 : psi%022846211142::embnet                        |
| Klingelbergstr.70  | Tel. : +41 61 267-2076 or 2247 +-----------------------+
|  CH 4056 Basel     | Fax. : +41 61 261-6760         |  S W I T Z E R L A N D