[comp.sys.sgi] Moving windows off-screen

mpapp@ (Mike Papper) (05/24/91)

I have several applications that open and close windows on a regular basis.
To deal with this I have been simply moving the windows "off screen"
i.e. to XMAXSCREEN + 10, YMAXSCREEN + 10.
I do not do rectread/write to these windows.
I may draw to these windows.
So far I have had no problems on non-turbo PIs and GTX machines.
I suspect that a problem with crashing the window server and machine on
TG PI machines may be caused by my use of windows.

Has anyone else had such problems with machines crashing,
*** are we "allowed" to move windows off-screen?????***

What do you do to "hide" windows without iconifying (this still
leaves a "trace" of the window behind)?
I have used my own fullscreen sized (not fullscrn)  window,
but this is messy, and it covers the users other windows.
Has anyone tried to take control of the background
with imakebackground() and pushing unwanted windows underneath
(and poping them later)?

e-mail suggestions and comments would be appreciated.

Mike Papper

msc@ramoth.esd.sgi.com (Mark Callow) (05/25/91)

In article <mpapp.675064820@godzilla>, mpapp@ (Mike Papper) writes:
|> Has anyone else had such problems with machines crashing,
|> *** are we "allowed" to move windows off-screen?????***

Placing windows off screen is perfectly legitimate.  It looks like there
may be a bug in the TG graphics library.
From the TARDIS of Mark Callow
msc@ramoth.sgi.com, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc
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