[comp.sys.sgi] Free Paint Program for the IRIS available.

paul@manray.asd.sgi.com (Paul Haeberli) (05/29/91)

A Free paint program for IRIS workstations is available from
sgi.com.  To get it:

	1. ftp sgi.com
	2. login as anonymous, use your mail address as the password.
	3. cd graphics/bin
	4. set binary mode
	5. do a get of imp.Z
	6. uncompress imp.Z
	7. imp image.rgb to start painting.

Here is description of the painting functions supported by imp:

usage: imp inimage.rgb

UPARROWKEY - makes the brush stroke have twice the area.
DOWNRROWKEY - makes the brush stroke have half the area.

F5KEY - toggles between full screen size and last size.

F7KEY - zooms displayed painting down one click.
F8KEY - zooms displayed painting up one click.

F9KEY - moves image to the left a bit
F10KEY - moves image to the right a bit
F11KEY - moves image to the down a bit
F12KEY - moves image to the up a bit

Here is a little description of the painting controls:

    Brush Shape:
	This lets you select various different brush shapes

    Brush Size:
	This slider controls the brush size

    Paint Density:
	This slider controls how fast paint is transfered to the canvas

    Brush Type:
	This slider controls the painting operation

	Normal - this just draws the brush stroke using the current color
	Sticky - color is picked up from where you first click down
	Blur - the image is made more blurry as you paint
	Sharpen - image is made more sharper as you paint
	Edge - click down in one colored area, as you paint, colors
	    are pushed away from this color to enhance an edge
	Clone - this copies parts of the image from one place to another
	    to select where to get pixels from, hold down shift key, depress
	    the left mouse button and move to where you want pixels to be sent
	    and release the mouse button
	Drag - this drags the painting around as you paint. This uses the
	    current Direction described below
	Complement - this pushes the colors in the canvas AWAY from the current
	    color as you paint
	Impression - the source image is sampled to obtain the painting color
	    as you paint

    Current color:
	To pick a color from anywhere on the screen, click the middle mouse
	button on the color you like, or press the left mouse button down
	while you are over the color rectangle on the control panel and move
	the cursor over the color you want to use and release

    Color Noise:
	This slider controls how much noise is added to the painting color

	This slider controls the brush stroke and Drag directions

	Constant - the direction is constant
	First Move - the direction is set by the first motion
	Follow Mouse - the direction follows the mouse

    Blend Operation:
	The blend op controls how colors are blended onto the canvas

	Full Color - the color of the destination is updated
	Color only - only the chroma is modified, the brightness is kept
	    he same
	On Darker - Only parts of the canvas that are darker are modified
	On Lighter - Only parts of the canvas that are lighter are modified

Have fun . . . 

paul haeberli