[comp.sys.sgi] Converting iris image files to Utah RLE toolkit format

msr@gator.cacs.usl.edu (Srinivas R. Manapragada) (05/29/91)


	I have a number of image files created through icut/snapshot, I
need to convert them to the Utah rle toolkit format. I have the toolkit,
and I tried a roundabout way in which I converted the iris format to the 
targa format and then onto rle, but it didn't work. Any and all help will
be very much appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

_Srini_ (e-mail msr@gator.cacs.usl.edu)

bstewart@bnlux1.bnl.gov (Bruce Stewart) (05/30/91)

In article <31908@rouge.usl.edu> msr@gator.cacs.usl.edu (Srinivas R. Manapragada) writes:

The San Diego Supercomputer Center has recently released a tool for
converting among a number of image formats. Quote from their man page:

     imconv supports the following 20 image file formats:

                    Format Names
              Primary   Others         Description
            cgm       -              Computer Graphics Metafile
            gif       giff           CompuServe Graphics Image File
            hdf       df, ncsa       Hierarchical Data File
            iff       suniff, taac   Sun-TAAC Image File Format
            mpnt      macp, pntg     Apple Macintosh MacPaint file
            pbm       pgm, ppm       Portable BitMap file
            pic       picio, pixar   PIXAR picture file
            pict      pict2          Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
            pix       alias          Alias image file
            ps        postscript     PostScript file
            ras       sun, sr, scr   Sun Rasterfile
            rgb       iris, sgi      SGI RGB image file
            rla       rlb            Wavefront raster image file
            rle       -              Utah Run-length-encoded image file
            rpbm      rpgm, rppm     Raw Portable BitMap file
            synu      -              Synu image file
            tiff      tif            Tagged Image File Format
            x         avs            Stardent AVS X image file
            xbm       bm             X11 BitMap file
            xwd       x11            X Window System Window Dump image file
End quote.

Available by anonymous ftp from sdsc.edu.