[comp.sys.sgi] Erasable Optical Jukebox

tohanson@gonzo.lerc.nasa.gov (Jeff Hanson) (05/31/91)

I have a requirement for an erasable optical jukebox to interface with
a small group of SGI workstations.  The two vendors that I have talked
with are Q-Star Technologies (Bethesda, MD) and Introl (Minneapolis, MN).

I am looking for anyone who has experience with optical jukeboxes for
SGI and/or anyone who has experience with either vendor mentioned above.
If there is sufficient (>3) interest, I will summarize.  Thanks in advance.
 Jeff Hanson - Scientific Graphics Programmer and Workstation Administrator
 NASA Lewis Research Center, MS 86-4, Cleveland, Ohio 44135
 Telephone - (216) 433-2284  Fax - (216) 433-2182
 tohanson@gonzo.lerc.nasa.gov	-   ViSC: Better Science Through Pictures

marks@AIVAX.RADC.AF.MIL (David Marks) (06/01/91)

Epoch Systems, 8 technology drive, Westborough MA, 01581, 508-836-3802.
They produce a series of NFS storage servers which hierarchically organize
files in RAM, fast disks, online-optical, and off-line optical storage based
upon (primarily) frequency of access. Max storage capacity is about 1000 Gb.

Dave Marks
Rome Laboratory