[comp.sys.sgi] Unknown FORTRAN 77 Compiler Message

cmellor@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL (06/03/91)

Thought before I call up the SGI Hotline and bother them with what is
probably a rather obvious question, I would throw it out to anyone on
the network who might have an answer:

I am in the process of trying to compile several FORTRAN 77 source files
using a makefile containing the following f77 options:

-align16 -L/usr/lib/align -1 -nocpp -static -col72 -w0 -noextend_source

The first two .f files compile with no problem, but when I get to the
third, I get the following compiler error message:

ugen: internal: error in write, writing 1840 bytes instead of 8192 bytes
*** Error code 1

I have been programming for the last year or so in C and have only
recently gotten into the FORTRAN.  I would appreciate any feedback
anyone might have on this question, as well as, if anyone knows where I
might find an explanation of compiler errors in the manual(s).  I saw a
listing of run-time errors, but no compiler/linker errors.

Thanks for your time ......

| Cynthia Mellor                 INTERnet: cmellor@relay.nswc.navy.mil |
| U.S. Navy                      FAX:      (703) 663-8382              |
| Naval Surface Warfare Center   PHONE:    (703) 663-8855 (8:30 - 4:30 |
| Bldg. 1200, Code K51                                     EST)        |
| Dahlgren, VA 22448                                                   |
|                                                                      |
|     "Excuses are the patches which we use to repair the fabric of    |
|      failure"                                                        |
|                                                           Unknown    |

blbates@AERO36.LARC.NASA.GOV (Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB) (06/04/91)

   This error can lead you on a wild goose chase.  I got this error when
I ran out of disk space in /tmp.  Use TMPDIR, or better yet change /tmp
to a symbolic link to /usr/tmp.

  Brent L. Bates				Phone:(804) 864-2854
  NASA-Langley Research Center			  FAX:(804) 864-6792
  M.S. 361
  Hampton, Virginia  23665-5225
  E-mail: blbates@aero36.larc.nasa.gov or blbates@aero8.larc.nasa.gov

blythe@sgi.com (David R. Blythe) (06/04/91)

In article <9106031241.aa18600@VGR.BRL.MIL> cmellor@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL writes:
>Thought before I call up the SGI Hotline and bother them with what is
>probably a rather obvious question, I would throw it out to anyone on
>the network who might have an answer:
>I am in the process of trying to compile several FORTRAN 77 source files
>using a makefile containing the following f77 options:
>-align16 -L/usr/lib/align -1 -nocpp -static -col72 -w0 -noextend_source
>The first two .f files compile with no problem, but when I get to the
>third, I get the following compiler error message:
>ugen: internal: error in write, writing 1840 bytes instead of 8192 bytes
>*** Error code 1

(This is a good candidate for the FAQ list if its underway).  The somewhat
obscure error message means that there wasn't sufficient space (in /tmp)
to complete that particular I/O operation.  In otherwords, /tmp isn't
big enough.  You can get around this by any of:

	1.  make /tmp bigger
	2.  set the environment variable TMPDIR to a directory in
	    a file system with more space (e.g. /usr/tmp)
	3.  break your fortran source code into smaller pieces
	4.  <your favourite mechanism here>

Option number 2 is probably the easiest.

	david blythe