[comp.sys.sgi] parallel printer use with lpr

loki@NAZGUL.PHYSICS.MCGILL.CA (Loki Jorgenson) (06/05/91)

	Has anyone ever used the parallel port on a Personal IRIS
to run a printer serviced by the BSD lpr daemon?  If so, can you
send me an example printcap entry?  I need one for the PostScript
printer Tektronix Phaser PX.

                             _ _         _ _
Loki Jorgenson              / / _ _ _ _ _ \ \  node:  loki@Physics.McGill.CA
Grad/Systems Manager       /_/_/_/_/ \_\_\_\_\ BITNET: PY29@MCGILLA
Physics, McGill University \ \ \_\_\_/_/_/ / / fax:   (514) 398-3733
Montreal Quebec CANADA      \_\_         _/_/  phone: (514) 398-7027

                      -*  Anatomically  correct  *-

ktl@wag.caltech.edu (Kian-Tat Lim) (06/05/91)

	We have a Tektronix Phaser II PX attached to one of our
Personal Irises, which serves it to our other systems via Berkeley
lpd.  The printcap entry follows:

color|colorps|Tektronix Phaser II PX:\

/usr/local/bin/cpsf is a short Perl script that does some accounting:


sub now {
    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    $str = sprintf("%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);
    return $str;
do "getopts.pl";

($log = shift) && open(LOGOUT, ">>$log") && ($LOG = "LOGOUT");
warn "Couldn't open accounting file: $!" if ($log && $LOG ne "LOGOUT");

print $LOG "$opt_n@$opt_h " . &now;

while (<STDIN>) {
    $num += length;

print $LOG " $num" . "c " . &now . "\n";

close(LOGOUT) if $LOG eq "LOGOUT";
print STDOUT "\004";
Kian-Tat Lim (ktl@wag.caltech.edu, KTL @ CITCHEM.BITNET, GEnie: K.LIM1)
System Manager, Materials & Molecular Simulation Center, Caltech