[comp.sys.sgi] REDT problems

atchity@TC2.CHEM.IASTATE.EDU ("Gregory J. Atchity") (06/08/91)

   Has anyone gotten Roger Nelson's REDT program running on their PI (running
3.3.1)?  I ftp'd a copy yesterday and haven't yet been able to get my keyboard
mappings even close to correct.

   I'd like to know which DEFINES to use on compilation, and how to set up
the keys file for a vt100 terminal.  I'm not really interested in the X
version, and I don't have cmenu.

Greg Atchity                              Iowa State University
atchity@tc2.chem.IaState.edU              Ames Laboratory - USDOE
atchity%qchem1@alISUvax.bitnet            310 Wilhelm Hall
(515) 294-2582                            Ames, IA 50011

rnelson@yoda.eecs.wsu.edu (Roger Nelson - Grad Student) (06/09/91)

In article <9106080304.AA09118@tc2.chem.iastate.edu> you write:
>   Has anyone gotten Roger Nelson's REDT program running on their PI (running
>3.3.1)?  I ftp'd a copy yesterday and haven't yet been able to get my keyboard
>mappings even close to correct.

I have not tried REDT on a PI, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
The keyboard mappings are the most difficult part of setting up the editor.
The problem was compounded in my first distribution 2.0.3 (the one I 
announce in comp.editors not the one I announced here.) which didn't 
have the keys files uuencoded and some mailers messed them up.

The REDT distribution has several key maps of terminals that I have access
to.  They are pretty representative of the terminals that are available.

Choose one of these keys files to be default keys file (They were uuencoded
in my latest distribution 2.0.5 so you have to uudecode them).  The default 
keys file is "keys" Ie:
   cp iris.key keys

You can modify the iris.key file as you'd like using the definekeys utility
(as described below).

Will you be using REDT both from the console and a VT100 terminal on the
serial port?

For this situation I created several alias in .cshrc and use the respective
alias depending on what terminal I am using.

setenv REDTHOME '/usr2/local/redt'
   'winterm -c /usr2/local/redt/redtunix -k /usr2/local/redt/iris.key '
setenv WINTERM='wsh -fCourier9 -C32,15,4,160,0,5'

alias redt '/usr2/local/redt/redtunix -k /usr2/local/redt/iris.key '
alias redtvt '/usr2/local/redt/redtunix -k /usr2/local/redt/vt100.key '
alias redthp '/usr2/local/redt/redtunix -k /usr2/local/redt/hp2623.key '

Making your own bindings:

  You can use the definekeys utility to make your IRIS bindings built on the
  existing IRIS bindings.  (You will have to have made the defkey 
  program: make defkey).

      definekeys iris.key

  The defkey program is pretty straight forward:
     Press the key/keys you want to bind a command to.
     Press [Space]
     Start typing in the command that you want to bind until it
     'bubbles' up to the top of the list.
     Press Return
     Enter a comment describing the key sequence.
     Press return when done.

  The defkey program is not as robust as I would like.  For example,
  it needs to be able to display existing bindings, and also delete
  a binding.  I am presently working on a better program for this.
  I recommend exiting (and saving) the binding program often.  If you
  make a mistake, while binding (Ie. press more keys in a sequence than
  you wanted to press, complete the binding and reply to the prompt
  asking for the key name with "junk" or something, then afterwards,
  edit the key file and delete the "junk" lines.

  When you have the iris.key file the way you like it, you can copy
  it to 'keys'.  Keys is the default file that all users, who have not
  defined their own bindings, will use.  When a user uses the DEFINE_KEY
  command from within REDT, a .edt_key file is created in his home
  directory.  This new file will consist of the default bindings plus 
  any new bindings added by the users.  This is all the case unless the
  -k command line qualifier is used, then the specified key file will
  be used for everything.  

  The keys file specified with the -k option should not be a default
  keys filename, and the default keys file should have write protection.

> Moreover the file that we were using 
> before changes and the only keys that works are the ones we define.

I'm not sure I quite understand what you are saying here.
How did you invoke the key binding utility?

>   I'd like to know which DEFINES to use on compilation

You will want the UNIX, CURSESVERSION and IRIX defines, and the malloc
and curses libraries.

> I'm not really interested in the X version

Good, it's not working :-)

> I don't have cmenu.

You don't need cmenu to compile and run REDT.  It doesn't look as nice
on the console as it does on terminals anyway (I wish the terminfo entry
for the console was more ANSI like: graphics characters).

Hope this helps...


____  | ^          |    Roger Nelson          rnelson@yoda.eecs.wsu.edu
\^^ |*| ^          |    Agricultural Engineering Department     ///
 |^^//  ^^         |    or Computer Science Department         ///
 |  '  ^          +|    Washington State University        \\\///
 \_  ^    _________|    Pullman, WA 99164                   \XX/
   `-----'              Work: (509)335-6872  Home: (509)334-0396