[comp.sys.sgi] GIF display software

gt6024c@prism.gatech.EDU (E GR 1170 STUDENT) (06/14/91)

This is a fairly simple request, and I haven't seen it asked in the last
200 or so articles;  does anyone know of existing software on an SGI that
will display GIF images?  If not, can I ftp one from somewhere?  I just
started using an SGI this afternoon, so I am by no means an expert; I hope
that the answer is not painfully obvious.

Jesse Barnum  Internet:  gt6024c@hydra.gatech.edu
    "I will use all my rescources to make your pitiful lives miserable!  I will
     crush your pathetic dreams and ambitions like bugs in the dust!"--Calvin
	I don't suffer from insanity; I revel in it.

tohanson@gonzo.lerc.nasa.gov (Jeff Hanson) (06/14/91)

Since you bothered to look in the last 200 articles, perhaps this needs to be
posted.  The following 3 viewers are available from swedishchef.lerc.nasa.gov
[] via anonymous ftp.  Once there, cd to image/viewers and
get any/all of the following -


Personally, I use igif.  It allows for multiple images (window is sized
to the largest x and y dimensions of the files), cycles the next image
with n, previous with p and quits with q.  Menu available for picking
a particular image from list of images.  Note: igif displays images
differently than images converted via fromgif.  Hope this helps.
 Jeff Hanson - Scientific Graphics Programmer and Workstation Administrator
 NASA Lewis Research Center, MS 86-4, Cleveland, Ohio 44135
 Telephone - (216) 433-2284  Fax - (216) 433-2182
 tohanson@gonzo.lerc.nasa.gov	-   ViSC: Better Science Through Pictures

bond@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (RobBob Bond) (06/19/91)

This is no problem.  ftp from sgi.com a program called fromgif  This 
should transform images from gif format to sgi format.

Have Fun!

Robert Bond (bond@picasso.upenn.edu)