[comp.sys.sgi] talkd cont.

rbriber@POLY1.NIST.GOV (06/24/91)

We have been seeing the same problem with talkd.  After running talkd
we sometimes find many, many copies running.  We're running 3.3.2 on
a 4D80GT.
Is this a bug in talkd?
 | Adios Amebas,         |   "You remind me of a TV show, but thats OK    |
 | Robert Briber         |    I watch it anyway."                         |
 | NIST 224/B210         |                  --The Feelies                 |
 | Gaithersburg, MD 20899|  rbriber@poly1.nist.gov   (Internet)           |
 | (301) 975-6775 (voice)|  rbriber@enh.nist.gov     (Internet)           |
 | (301) 975-2128 (fax)  |  rbriber@nbsenh.bitnet    (Bitnet)             |