[comp.sys.sgi] toggling window border

raymond@cavebear.berkeley.edu (Raymond Yee) (06/26/91)

	I hope that someone out there can help me with the following
problem.  I would like to toggle the drawing of a window border without
having to close a window and redraw it.  Below is the code I have been
using (written in FORTRAN).  I find that the I can get rid of the
border but I can't turn it back on.  It seems that the program starts
to draw the border and then it disappears.  Can anyone tell me how
to do this properly.

	Thanks in advance,

Raymond Yee

The code:

	subroutine border(junk)

$include /usr/include/fgl.h  
$include /usr/include/fdevice.h  
$include view.h

C Toggle whether to have a border or not

	integer*4 ox,oy,ox1,oy1
	integer*4 delx ,dely 

	call winset(gid1)
	call getori(ox,oy)
	call getsiz(delx,dely)
	ox1 = ox+delx
	oy1 = oy+dely

	if (borderflag.eq..TRUE.) then
		borderflag = .FALSE.
		call nobord()
		call winpos(ox,ox1,oy,oy1)
		call prefsi(delx,dely)
		call wincon()
		call qenter(REDRAW, gid1)		
		borderflag = .TRUE.
		call wincon() ! remove the old constraints
		call winpos(ox,ox1,oy,oy1)
		call prefsi(delx,dely)
		call wincon()
		call qenter(REDRAW, gid1)		
	end if
