[comp.sys.sgi] Atlanta Iris User's Group

syscrc@GSUSGI1.GSU.EDU (Randy Carpenter) (06/28/91)

                         The Summer Meeting of
                     The Atlanta IRIS User's Group

Location: Silicon Graphics                  Date: Tuesday, July 9, 1991
          1100 Abernathy Road, N.E.         Time: 7:00 p.m.
          Building 500,   Suite 1120
          Atlanta, Georgia 30328

 Speaker: Tom Ellery
          Wavefront Technologies

   Topic: An Introduction to Wavefront's Visualizer Products

The Atlanta IRIS User's Group gets together four times a year to share ideas
and talk about their experiences with Silicon Graphics hardware and software.
Our discussions include (but are not limited to) visualization and general
UNIX topics.  We don't elect officers or impose membership dues or "cover

For our Summer meeting, we are fortunate to have Tom Ellery of Wavefront
Technologies come and tell us about the company's Visualizer series.

An e-mail alias has been created for AIUG folks (i.e. ones that have e-mail

These meetings provide excellent opportunities for users to express their
interests and concerns to Silicon Graphics, share their experiences with
others and pick up bits of information worthy of taking back to work.
If you have any questions or suggestions, contact:

       Randy Carpenter              (or)    George Smith
       GSU Wells Computer Center            Silicon Graphics, Inc.
       (404) 651-2648                       (404) 392-1333
       rcarpent@gsu.edu                     georges@sgi.com