edelson@play.corp.sgi.com (John Edelson) (06/29/91)
We are talking about building a course for hte late fall entitled, "Using video to communicate for Scientists and Engineers - A How-TO " It would teach IRIS users how to make effective videos to communicate. It would teach both the production skills to use the tools and the directors and others roles on a project. Example. - Defining a topic - Writing a script - Using the video and audio tools on (or which are going to be on) the IRIS - Editing - Integrating scrren shots, stills, animations, camcorder footage, titles etc - Audio - voice over and music It would be worksop, porbably several days and at the normal fees. What would the level of interest in such a course be? -- ************************************************************ * John Edelson Manager, Developers Relations * * edelson@sgi.com Silicon Graphics Inc. (Silly Gee) * * 415 335-1532 2011 North Shoreline Blvd * * fax 415 962-9601 Mountain View, CA 94039 * ************************************************************