[comp.sys.sgi] Answers to "A Few Tektronix Printer/Driver Questions"

cmellor@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL (06/28/91)

Several days ago I asked the following 3 questions:

1.) Am I correct in assuming that both of these printers have PostScript

2.) Will the SGI driver that we use on the 4D/GT with the 4693D printer
    work with the 4693DX and/or the 4694DX?

3.) If the answer to question #2 is NO, can anyone tell me where and how
    to obtain drivers for the 4693DX and 4694DX printers.  Also I would
    appreciate part numbers and prices if these drivers need to be

For those of you who asked me to pass along the answers (e.g.,
shaginaw@newmann.bms.com and jac@brl.mil) or for those of you who are
interested, but did not catch the answers, this is a small synopsis of
what I was told and what I eventually did:

1.) Seem that neither the 4693DX nor the 4694DX are PostScript printers
    The PostScript models end in PX (supports Tek-written Level 1
    PostScript and PXi (supports Adobe Level 2 PostScript) not DX.  The
    DX models can be made into PostScript printers by buying Freedom of
    Press from Custom Applications or from SGI's 800 number.  There are
    also network models that sit directly on the Ethernet which have
    model numbers ending in DXN and PXN.

2.) Because the DX model is just an "upgrade" of the D model the SGI
    drivers work fine on both the 4693DX and 4694DX.

3.) Here is what I did:
       a.) Changed Emulation Mode on printers control panel from
             Tektronix 4692 to Tektronix 4693DX (was told that you
             do the same on the 4694DX)
       b.) Logged in as root
       c.) Typed, cd /usr/sbin
       d.) Typed, mkcentpr tek tek_lp (look at man page for mkcentpr
                                       to see the options)
       e.) Typed, cd /usr/spool/lp/interface
       f.) Used editor to modify the tek_lp file created in step d above
             changing the 2 lines as follows:

             old line -> FILTER=tprint
             new line -> FILTER=t93print

             old line -> NAME="Tektronix 4692"
             new line -> NAME="Tektronix 4693DX"

    Depending on the IRIS verion that you have mkcentpr may be in
    directory /usr/spool/lp/etc/util.  Step f above was suggested by
    those who wrote me.  It is not really mentioned by SGI, but using
    t93print instead of tprint does improve the quality of printout
    tremendously.  You can then use:

      scrsave file1.rgb      -->  to capture the image and
      lp -dtek_lp file1.rgb  -->  to send the image to the printer

Thanks again to all who responded.  I appologize for using your comments
without giving specific credit, but I must have gotten over a dozen

| Cynthia Mellor                 INTERnet: cmellor@relay.nswc.navy.mil |
| U.S. Navy                      FAX:      (703) 663-8382              |
| Naval Surface Warfare Center   PHONE:    (703) 663-8855 (8:30 - 4:30 |
| Bldg. 1200, Code K51                                     EST)        |
| Dahlgren, VA 22448                                                   |
|                                                                      |
| "REMEMBER -- The attention span of a computer is only as long as its |
|              power cord!"                                            |
|                                                              Unknown |

duis@sgi.com (David Duis) (07/01/91)

In article <9106281053.aa02906@VGR.BRL.MIL> cmellor@RELAY.NSWC.NAVY.MIL writes:
>3.) Can anyone tell me where and how
>    to obtain drivers for the 4693DX and 4694DX printers?

And reports this answer:

>3.) Here is what I did:
>       b.) Logged in as root

	[ ..... a bunch of shell commands and script editing elided ]

I'd like to suggest that folks use System Manager's Printer Manager
GUI instead of manipulating shell scripts.  It does all the typing for
you, and installing a 4693D, DX, or 4694DX printer takes only a few
mouse clicks.  I know the 4693D support has been there since at least 3.3.

System Manager ships standard with all SGI boxes.  It can be invoked
from the toolchest --- the set of pulldown menus that appear by
default in the topleft corner of your screen.

Here's how to install a 4693D without using the keyboard to do more
than type the name of the printer:

1. Invoke System Manager.
2. Open the Printers icon in the System Manager window.
3. Click on the "Add" button in the Printers window.
4. Type in a printer name, 
	click on "Parallel," 
	and select the Tektronix 4693D printer type.
5. Hit Accept: the printer is now completely installed.

All System Manager's graphical tools edit standard text files, and all
files are publicly accessible.  Those of you so inclined can manually
do or undo anything the System Manager GUI does.  Of course, System
Manager makes a number of things much easier, including this.
>    It is not really mentioned by SGI, but using
>    t93print instead of tprint does improve the quality of printout
>    tremendously.  

Yup.  And you can expect future versions to improve even more.  


David Duis                        	        Silicon Graphics, Inc.
duis@bent.esd.sgi.com, x7337		     Mountain View, California