[comp.sys.proteon] Announcement of a "cisco" mailing list

dcmwood@SPOT.COLORADO.EDU (David CM Wood) (11/24/87)

Below is an announcement of the starting of a mailing list for discussion
of Cisco products, such as the AGS gateways and the ASM multiplexers.  Since
Cisco gateways are now installed in at least two regional networks, it seemed
to be time to establish a mailing list for exchanging information and such.
					David Wood

This list is for discussion of the network products from cisco Systems, Inc;
primarily the AGS gateway, but also the ASM terminal multiplexor and any other
relavent products.  Discussions about operation, problems, features, topology,
configuration, protocols, routing, loading, serving, etc are all encouraged.
Other topics include vendor relations, new product announcements, availability
of fixes and new features, and discusion of new requirements and desirables.

All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, along with other
administrative issues concerning the list should be sent to:


Archives are available via anonymous ftp from spot.Colorado.EDU in the sub-
directory "cisco".

This list is "slightly" moderated in that you must be validated to send mail
to the list.  Sending in a request will get you validated, as will reasonable
attempts to send reasonable messages to the list.  Once you are validated, your
messages will be redirected to the whole list without interference.

This list is not a usenet news group because the normal criterion for becoming
a news group is that at least 100 different people must first express a desire
for such a news group.  Feel free to send votes to cisco-request@Colorado.EDU.
If enough people eventually do, the data will be passed on to the usenet folks.

The host "spot.Colorado.EDU" is on the ARPANET, currently with the address of but this will be changing at some future date to  Spot's
other address is, which is available from the name server for

Coordinator:  David Wood <dcmwood@spot.Colorado.EDU>