[comp.sys.proteon] SNMP Proteon Specific Variables and a suggestion

schoff@BEAR-MOUNTAIN.NYSER.NET (04/20/88)

The following is a "configuration guide" to the proteon implementation
specific variables and an explicit suggestion for other vendors not
to do it this way (if they are working on sgmp/snmp conformance to
RFC1028 or IDEA11).

We've begun to retrieve and process the proteon specific sgmp/snmp
variables.  Philosophically it is their part of the tree to do
what they want but it is somewhat differently handled then the
rest of the generic variables.  (Hint, hint, please other vendors
don't do it this way).  This is specifically seen throughout section
15.1.4.* in RFC1028 the first and last document that covers implementation
specific variables.  Let us suppose  you have a proteon gateway
with 8 interfaces,
and were interested in serial line receiving crc errors (section
on the "8th" interface, this would be:

		   is the 8th interface

For generic variables an "8th" interface for interface input pkts,
(_GW_net_if_in_pkts), would be:

		   is the 8th interface

I would propose to vendors that the model for handling implementation
specific variables is best found in the generic variables then the
proteon ones.

Marty Schoffstall

yeongw@C.NYSER.NET (04/20/88)

An additional note with regard Proteon's implementation specific tree:
because network numbers (interface numbers) occur in the middle of
a variable name (see Marty's message for an example), you can't
walk tables. Since SNMP operates on lexicographic precedence/succession
and the interface numbers are not on the far right (least significant byte),
it is not possible to get estimated line speed of all interfaces
by walking a table, for example.
