[comp.sys.proteon] Further information on COM4 problem

SYSBJAV@VM.TCS.TULANE.EDU (John Voigt - Academic Systems Programmer) (10/25/88)

Rereading my memo plus looking at some of the responses I received
indicates that I wasn't very clear about the problem I'm having with
the COM4.  The following diagram may help make clear which cables I
was talking about.

             /                                      /|
            /      Proteon P-4200                  / | <--- V.35
           /                                      /  |      connector
          /                                      /   |      on rear
         +-----------------------------+--------+    |      to DSU/CSU
         |                             |  +==+  |    |
         |  -com4-======--======---    |        |    |
         |                  ^          |  +==+  |    |
         |  -e-net-----===--|------    |        |    +
         |                  |          |  +==+  |   /
         |  -e-net-----===--|------    |        |  /
         |                  |          |  +==+  | /
         |  -cpu------------|------    |        |/
                            |--- Ribbon cable plugs here

The symptom is the gateway comes up and runs for an indeterminate
amount of time.  The connection to the remote P-4200 then fails with
the following message:

  SL: slf tst no echo ack - time out nt 0 int SL/0

>>>> This is the ONLY message I receive when the failure occurs. <<<<

The only way I have found to bring the line back up is either power the
box off and back on or unplug the ribbon cable (see diagram) that runs
from the COM4 board to the V.35 interface and plug it back in.  I have
tried unplugging the V.35 cable on the back of the P-4200 and plugging
it back in without success.  As I said in my first memo, testing the
network with a T 0 command does not work.

I talked to Dave Young at Proteon Friday after I had sent out the first
memo.  He told me they have found a problem with the Proteon ethernet
board (of which we have 2 installed) and that they were working on the
problem with the COM4 boards.  The Proteon ethernet boards require the
version 8 software load which appears to be where the problem is.  If
they haven't found a fix for the COM4 board in the next couple of days,
I am going to ask for some older ethernet boards and an older version
of the software that works so that we can get back up.  We have been
down 3 weeks (as of tomorrow) with these problems.

Sorry to have rambled on so long here but I thought this might save
someone some trouble who is having the same/similar problems.
