[comp.sys.proteon] Encoding for T1 ports

wendy@BRL.MIL ("Wendy A. Winner ", VLD/VMB) (01/23/89)

	We are scheduled for a T1 leased line between two remotely
located p4200 gateways.  Each gateway has a high speed board (2 sync
lines each operating up to 2.048 Mbtyes).

	We have been asked whether we want Alternate Mark Inversion
(AMI, also known as BiPolar) or B8RZ encoding.  Nothing in the manuals
seems to suggest the type of encoding we should use.  Any suggestions?

(301) 278-6655

jill@BRL.MIL ("Jill H. Smith") (01/23/89)

The choices for line encoding we were given are AMI or B8ZS, not B8RZ (or
are they the same?).


wendy@BRL.MIL ("Wendy A. Winner ", VLD/VMB) (01/24/89)

	Thanks for correcting the typo.
