Gene.Hastings@BOOLE.ECE.CMU.EDU (08/14/89)
Does Proteon support any SNMP DECnet variables in version 8.1? Alternately, does Proteon plan to expand their implementation of NCP so that it responds to a few useful objects (so that an NCP> TELL (some Proteon router) SHOW NODE or SHOW AREA would work, or that existing DEC tools like NETPATH would work)? Thanks, Gene
tom@CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Tom Easterday) (08/14/89)
I too would like to know the answer to the questions Gene posed. I would like to see SNMP variables for DECnet AND the traditional NCP commands. Tom (Charles Hedrick) (08/15/89)
I am responsible for the original DECnet code used by cisco. Several months ago, I asked several groups, including this one, for some help in defining SNMP (at that time SGMP) variables for monitoring DECnet. I had in mind writing an RFC defining a DECnet extension to the MIB. However in order to do this, I need to have some idea of what variables it makes sense to monitor in other implementations. I could certainly propose a MIB extension based on the data collected by the cisco implementation. But that seems silly. That can just as well be put into cisco's private name space. It only makes sense to talk about an extension to the MIB if we find a reasonable degree of commonality among several implementations. I'd be happy to list the data currently collected by cisco's DECnet implementation. I can also make a reasonable guess as to how difficult it would be to collect other kinds of data. If someone would be willing to do something similar for the Proteon implementation, then I think we could do something useful.