[comp.sys.proteon] Vendor ID

pnm@NEPTUNE.ACC.COM (Pat Medved) (02/22/90)

I'm not on this list so any replys should be sent directly to me
at pnm@neptune.acc.com.

In looking at the MAC Address on token ring there is the 3 byte Vendor ID.
I noticed some companies do bit inversion on the byte boundary and some
don't.   This is based on the IEEE Ethernet Vendor ID codes.

For example, Proteon has an vendor ID of 00 00 93, but sends out 00 00 C9.
3COM on the other hand did not invert their address.  IBM did and Network 
General didn't.  The token ring network is supposed to send data out
MSB first which would account for this.  Any reason why some vendors
do and some don't?

Is there a Vendor ID code table available for Token Ring somewhere?

Thanks, in advance.