[comp.sys.xerox] wanted: CP/M 2.2 software

spectre@mit-vax.LCS.MIT.EDU (Joseph D. Morrison) (01/19/88)

Hello! I am posting this for a friend of mine who has a Xerox 820 II
computer, running CP/M 2.2.

The computer was (practically) given to him, and of course, they
aren't really selling much CP/M software these days. :-)

Does anyone have any CP/M public domain software (compilers,
spreadsheets, ANYTHING!) or software that they would be willing to
sell cheaply? In particular, my friend would *really* like a Fortran

Any help would be *greatly* appreciated!

        Joe Morrison
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science     UUCP: ...!mit-eddie!vx!spectre
545 Technology Square, NE43-425         ARPA: spectre@vx.lcs.mit.edu
Cambridge, MA 02139                     (617) 253-5881
"That's no answer. That's not even science!"