oldeng@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu (Dictionary of Old English) (02/08/88)
We have a DEC/VAX 730 and Xerox 1108 workstations, with XNS File servers, sharing a common ethernet. The VAX is running VAX/VMS 4.0, and DEI (DEC Ethernet Interface) version 7.0 to allow it to talk to the Xerox ethernet. We are now looking to upgrade our VMS to something acceptable, like 4.5 or 4.6. We have DEI running on it. WE have to keep it running, or at least find some way of making sure that the VAX and the workstations can communicate with each other. The question is, whether DEI 7.0 will still run under VMS 4.5 or 4.6. If not, what will we need? DEI 8.0? So, I am looking for people who use DEI under VMS 4.5/6, and any problem or experiences which you might have had using it, or upgrading to it. On the Xerox end, we are running Lisp (Koto and Lyric versons). We use ftp, and PUPCHAT to the VAX. Any help would be appreciated. Please E-mail the responses to me. I will summarize for the net if there is sufficient interest. --Tak Ariga -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet: oldeng@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu ARPA: oldeng%gpu.utcs.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net BITNET: oldeng@UTORGPU Phone: (416) 978-8883 {office} ++ Dictionary of Old English == University of Toronto == Toronto, Canada ++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------