[comp.sys.xerox] Users Group meeting at AAAI-88

welch@TUT.CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Arun Welch) (06/29/88)

You've probably been wondering if we were going to have one.  Well, we
are. Here's the info on it, and an agenda will be forthcoming.  So
far, the preliminary agenda looks pretty interesting, so it should be
worth your while to come.  Meet some of the people whose names you've 
seen on this list, meet people whose names you haven't, meet people
from Xerox, find out where they're going, get a preview of what's
going to be on the exhibit floor, express your praise/gripes to XAIS,
and so on.  All in all, a fun time should be had by all.  I'm chairing
the meeting again this year, so if you've got comments on my
performance let me know :-).  If there's something in particular you
want out of this meeting, let me know now, as we hope to plan out the
agenda in the next couple of weeks.  

The meeting will be held 
Monday, August 22nd 
in The Ramsey County Room 
The Landmark Center
75 West Fifth Street
Saint Paul, MN
Meeting from 1:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Cocktails from 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. in the Chief Justice Room

Hope to see you there.
