welch@TUT.CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Arun Welch) (09/22/88)
I've been working on an NNTP client off and on for the last couple of months. For those of you not familiar with NNTP, it's the protocol that's used between the machines on the USENET network to transfer news articles around. It's sort of an expansion on the mailing list idea. Anyway, I've finished the protocol itself, and started workon the user interface, but am looking for suggestions on what people would like to see. I thought about using a table-browser/lafite style of interface, but the problem with this is that some newsgroups average about 100 messages/day, and a tablebrowser of 100 messages loses it's utility real fast, let alone what happens when you come in on monday after not reading news all weekend... So, if you've got suggestions, or ideas on how you would like such a beast to look, send them to me. If all else fails I'll implement the same interface as RN has, it's pretty trivial. ...arun ps. Before I get deluged with requests for the software, I will distribute it when it's done.