[comp.sys.xerox] [walls%ssl.span@Fedex.Msfc.Nasa.Gov: RE: Re: Standalone VP

"John_D._Sybalsky.AISNorth"@XEROX.COM (11/09/88)

In mild defense of the 1186, it's perhaps worth pointing out that the
hardware was designed as a single-user, never-booted, OA workstation, and
took no account of Xerox AIS's needs as a Lisp workstation.  Given that
(myopic) viewpoint, the elimination of a reliable hardware clock might seem


"Carl_Gadener.AISNorth"@XEROX.COM (11/09/88)

The 1108 has a builtin hardwareclock as opposed to the 1186. Once you set
the time on it, you don't have to reset it as long as it is not powered
down (why a battery backup was not thought of , I don't know). The 1186,
not having a clock, has to "grab" the time from the net. I guess the
intention  was that these machines most likely were going to be installed
on some kind of network and therefore would not require a clock. 

Provided the time on the net is right, you are always sure that all
machines on it have the right time and are not running off on their own. I
personally use "AFTERLOGOUTFORMS, which is evaluated every time I log in to
the system. In it I check if I am on the net and if not, I am automatically
prompted for the right time.

Carl Gadener