[comp.sys.xerox] An update on Envos...

welch@CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU (Arun Welch) (07/01/89)

I just talked to a Mr. Neil Blake at Xerox, who is apparently the
person now in charge of handling the Envos situation.  Honestly, after
the bouncing around I've recieved among Xerox execudroids so far, I
wasn't expecting much out of the discussion.  Anyway, the situation as
he sees it are that they are three different aspects: 
a) Support and enhancement of Medley
b) Getting NCP out the door 
c) Providing a migration path from Medley to NCP

 He expects for things to be resolved by the end of July, and it seems
likely that someone from Xerox will participate in some sort of dialog
with us at IJCAI.  I stressed to him my view that there were a bunch
of us out here who were heavily invested in Medley, and that I would
be rather appalled by support for it being taken over by someone who
didn't really know and understand it (one of the *rumors* was that
Xerox was gonna sell the company to a major common lisp vendor,
something that reminds me too much of LMI).  He seemed quite willing
to discuss the matter further with anyone, his number is (408)
737-4861. He seems to understand the current customers issues better
than most of the Xerox execs I've dealt with so far...

 Since the turnout at IJCAI seems pretty small so far, if someone does
show up from Xerox then I'm willing to pass along any info/questions.
I'll send another message as IJCAI approaches.
