malpass@LL-VLSI.ARPA (Don Malpass) (10/22/87)
Someone posted the following "PC Week" quote outside my door (the group repository for sick humor) and I have to pass it on. "...the ultimate Halloween trick to play on uppity PS/2 Model 30 owners: Just type A:PARK, and the machine will do its dutiful best to park the floppy drive, completely destroying the hardware in the process." Gern and others: ENJOY. Cheers, Don [malpass@reamap,uthor
GUBBINS@RADC-TOPS20.ARPA (Gern) (10/23/87)
HOW COMPLETELY will it destroy the hardware??? Real damage that must replace the drive??? I LOVE it... Gern -------
GUBBINS@RADC-TOPS20.ARPA (Gern) (10/26/87)
Our PA system just announced that the IBM Systems AdVANtage VAN is in our parking lot. I zapped right out to it ready to 'A:PARK' a Model 30. Saddly, I have to report, that it appears that you must have a microfloppy in the A: drive to carry out the command. Neither Model 30 in the Van had a floppy in A:, they were running off of the C: hard drive. Actually, wouldn't the command be 'PARK A:'??? Gern P.S. - The Tektronix Bus makes the IBM VAN look sick. -------