[comp.sys.zenith.z100] The Patches for WordStar Professional 3.31

EMB978@ALBNY1VX.BITNET (11/02/87)

The patches are for WordStar Professional Version 3.31

"The following patch speeds up I/O. If you use this patch, you will disable the
function and keypad keys (sorry about that). If you want to use these keys, you
will need the HUG utility KEYMAP (Cat # 885-3010-37 $20.00). These patches not
only install a call to the ROM for output, but calls to the BIOS for input.

xxxx:55C7 50.C3 (disables extra segment I/O)
xxxx:02BA 00.EB 90.24 C3.C3 00.EB 90.2E C3.C3
xxxx:02C0 00.EB 90.31
xxxx:02E0 00.9A 00.03 00.00 00.40 00.00 00.75 00.03 00.B0
xxxx:02E8 00.00 00.C3 00.B0 00.FF 00.C3 00.9A 00.06 00.00
xxxx:02F0 00.40 00.00 00.C3 00.9C 00.FC 00.9A 00.19 00.00
xxxx:02F8 00.01 00.FE 00.9D 00.C3

Patches also mentioned for Ver 3.21 and CPM 2.2x"

(Excerpt from REMark Volume 6, Issue 2, February 1985, Page 32, "Making Z-100
Wordstar Faster (And Other Fast Hints") by Pat Swayne, Hug Software Developer)

"The following patch is for a different release of 3.31 than that mentioned
above (the following is for the version that signs on with a "Restricted Rights

The patch at address 55C7 must instead be made at address 55E6. Below is the
complete patch weith the change noted.

xxxx:55E6 50.C3 ([This address was 55C7] disables extra segment I/O)
xxxx:02BA 00.EB 90.24 C3.C3 00.EB 90.2E C3.C3
xxxx:02C0 00.EB 90.31
xxxx:02E0 00.9A 00.03 00.00 00.40 00.00 00.75 00.03 00.B0
xxxx:02E8 00.00 00.C3 00.B0 00.FF 00.C3 00.9A 00.06 00.00
xxxx:02F0 00.40 00.00 00.C3 00.9C 00.FC 00.9A 00.19 00.00
xxxx:02F8 00.01 00.FE 00.9D 00.C3

Do not make the patches for either version if the old values at each address is
not what is shown here. The only exceptions to this rule are the patches at
address 292 and 29B. The old numbers at these addresses will probably be zero.

To shorten the length of the "Restricted Rights Legend" message appears on

xxxx:558F 09.01
xxxx:5593 FF.01 FF.00

If you are going to use KEYMAP, also do to prevent WordStar from erasing the
25th line or altering the keypad key responses:


xxxx:587F 7A.45
xxxx:5880 1B.24

This patch is valid for all version of WordStar under MS-DOS. Allows it to print
as fast as possible.

xxxx:077D 8A.9A D0.0C B4.00
xxxx:07E0 05.40 CD.00 21.90

If you use WordStar's simultaneous printing feature, you may want to use the
follwoing patch instead of the one above. It gives WordStar the ability to check
the printer's status, and makes simultaneous printing a little faster. Before
you make this patch, you should run Install and make sure the WordStar printer
options are set the way you want them. If you make any changes, write them back
to WordStar and then restart Install. Select "Specify Printer Name" from the
main menu, and select "User Defined Printer" from the printer menu (even if you
previously selected another printer). Select option E, Drivers, from the user
defined printer menu, and select Option C, User Supplied Subroutine, from the
driver menu. Then press HOME twice to get back to the main menu, and make the
changes to WordStar. Now, you can make the following patch with DEBUG:

xxxx:07F0 E4.B8 05.00 90.02 24.9A 01.4B 34.00 01.40 F9.00
xxxx:07F8 74.80 01.E4 C3.80 F8.75 C3.01 E6.F9 04.C3 90.9A
xxxx:0800 C3.0C E4.00 05.40 90.00 24.C3
xxxx:0811 90.EB F8.DD C3.C3 90.EB 90.E9


(Excerpt from REMark Volume 6, Issue 5, May 1985, page 80, "Making Z-100
WordStar Faster (Part 2)" by Pat Swayne, HUG Software Developer.)

"File WSU.COM on distribution disk should be 41856 bytes, created on February
14, 1985 at 11:19:11 for the following.

These patches allow you to customize the startup display with your own special
messages or notices. Do not make these messages any longer than they already are
or you will overwrite other messages! These patches do not add or detract from
the efficiency of WordStar, but they add the personal touch.

Custom display messages
-E7C  ' (customized) '
-E18F ' VT52 standard terminal interface '
-E1D7 '  All I/O H100 MS-DOS customized  '
-E1FB '   personally by Frank T. CLark   '

I often use WordStar in interlaced mode which has 30 scrolling linyes on the
screen instead of the 24 (25th line won't scroll). The following patch in a copy
of WS.COM called WSI.COM makes this easy and useful.

Set the number of scrolling lines on the screen
-E248 13

I have one file called WS.COMN which uses the normal VT52 escape sequences and
one called WSC.COM which is the file I use at the H-100 screen with a color
monitor. Using these patches and the appropriate values, you can have any four
colors on the screen and not just the two the WINSTALL will let you have.

VT52 Device or Monochrome Video Memory
reverse video text menu
-E284 2 1B 70
normal video text

-E28b 2 1B 71
H100 Color Screen
color menu
-E284 4 1B 6D 32 35 (red text on cyan background)
color text
-E28B 4 1B 6D 36 31 (yellow text on blue background)

Minimum initialization and cleanpu
clear screen on entry
-E292 1B 45
clear screen on exit
-E29b 1B 45

Preferred Initialization and Cleanup
clear screen on entry and block cursor
-E292 5 1B 45 78 34
clear screen on exit and set underline cursor
-E29B 5 1b 45 79 34

Fast operation is always desirable and I strongly recommend all 0 values for
WordStar's software delays which Pat mentioned in his previous article.
-E2AE 0 0
-E2D2 0

It is always helpful to have WordStar look on the correct drive for its overlays
and the main program when you reload after running another program. I have shown
the usual values for floppy and winchester machines. These patches do not work
inthe standard version of WordStar Professional! The patches will not work until
you perform the speedup patches below.

Floppy System
default system drive A:
-E2DC 1

Winchester System
default system drive E:
-E2DC 5

As mentioned earlier, fast operation is always a goal, so after a person is no
longer a beginner I fully recommend a default help level of 0 to suppress all
helpful menus and keep things moving along. If I have a temporary lapse of
memory the helpful menus can always be turned back on by typing ^JH3.

default help displays enable
-E360 3

default slow help displays disable
-E360 0

If I want to see file names one key press will bring it back very quickly.

default slow directory display off
-E363 0

Assorted patches for bulletin board use

document mode default right margin (maximum WordStar allows)
-E380 4B
On screen justification off
-E386 0
Vari-tabs off
-E387 0
Page break off
-E38D 0

Hyphen help slows down time it takes to reformat paragraphs
disable hyphen help
-E389 0

Remove ruler line from top of screen to give extra display line and speed
(especially at 300 baud)
ruler line off
-E38B 0

I use batch files a lot (faster than typing the commands over and over) and
sometimes I want to call WordStar in the non-document mode. I have a special
version called WSN.COM that does that using the following patch.
non-document mode startup
-E392 FF

One of the things good about WordStar overlays (the bad is that they make it run
slower) is that I can have several custom versions of the root WS.COM which is
not too big at about 21k, and they all use the same overlays which are about
143k counting MailMerge and CorrectStar. The one problem is that if I run an MS-
DOS program from inside one of these specially named versions of WordStar it
will reload WS.COM unless I use the following patch to change the internal name
of the program for reloading.

 internal program name change
-E3E7 'WSC     ' or 'WSN     ' or 'WSI     ' or whatever

The following patches must all be done together for any one of them to work. The
purpose of each is defined separately. The only drawback to these patches is the
use of WordStar function keys area no longer supported (which breaks my heart).
If you really like function keys, then I would recommend Pat Swayne's KEYMAP

reduce the size of the program
-E2A4 C3
-E2A7 C3
-E35C 28 99

user printer busy status from BIOS directly
MOV  AX,200
CALL 40:4B
AND  AH,80

bypass OS printer output to BIOS directly

bypass OS console status from BIOS directly
JZ   23E2

bypass OS console input from BIOS directly

CALL 40:6

bypasss OS console output to BIOS directly
CALL 40:9

default tabs every 8 columns
-E43B9 4B 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 ...

After finally getting WordStar to work well, I started using CorrectStar, and as
you might have guessed discovered some problems with its use. The system drive
option used by the rest of the overlays is not used for CORRSTAR.OVR, but it can
be patched in.

system drive A: for corrstar.ovr
debug wsovlyl.ovr
-E2A13 1

If you wish to contact the author, please write to the address below (do not
telephone) and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope, if you expect a

Frank T. Clark (Senior Consultant on Systems Software for Zenith Data Systems)
402 West Ferry Street
Berrien Springs, MI 49103"

(Excerpt from REMark, Volume 6, Number 11, November 1985, pages 47-51,
"Customizing MS-DOS WordStar Professional for the H-100 Computer, Frank T.