I finally got some time to do some design work (a new deck for the house) with Painter's Apprentice. It is a slick tool--the best I've seen for the Z-100. I was especially impressed with the speed of screen updates and file i/o. An atta-boy to the author. Incidently, I ran the hard-copy out on an H-125 modified with the "super chip set" which emulates the Epson MX series of printers. Has anyone tested "Show-off"? I saw it advertised in REMark a while back. Does it only run under the Logitec mouse or will it run under the serial MS-Mouse?
I have SHOW-OFF and it ain't bad. I use the Logitech C-7 as that is what Hogware sells with it. The "driver" is built into the program, no separate driver needed, so I do not think it will work with other rats. Two versions of the program are included on the disk. One for use with the mouse and another for use with the keyboard. Another version is available for a graphics tablet. The print driver for an Epson, and most other dot matrix printers, has a problem with aspic ratio (circles become ovals). The program disk comes with routines to "grab" both low and high res graphics images from other programs. Also a slide show program and another to display MAC images (to capture with the hi-res graber). I understand that a version is, or will be, out that will work with the PROSCAN board. All in all , the program is not too difficult to learn and has been fun to play with. The text routine is a little cumbersome but it does allow 9 different sizes from a choice of 26 fonts and a text angle of 0-360 degrees. Marc