[comp.sys.zenith.z100] Z80MU 5.0 demo

karl@grebyn.com (Karl Nyberg) (10/31/88)

A demonstration copy of the latest release of the Z80MU Professional CP/M
and Z80 emulator is now available on the SIMTEL repository.  (Thanks to
Keith Petersen for providing the disk space.)  This is a demonstration copy
of the updated version by the same folks that brought out the emulator
Z80MU310.ARC that is also contained in the same directory.  A portion of the
README.DOC file is attached.

	Filename			Type	 Bytes	 CRC
	MU_DEMO.ARC.1			BINARY	 81664  9A9CH

-- Karl --


This is a demonstration version of Z80MU Professional (version 5.0), which
emulates CP/M and the Z80 chip.  It runs on the IBM PC.

To run it:

	1) Copy all files into a directory
	2) Move any CP/M programs which you want to test to the same directory
	3) Type Z80MU at the DOS prompt

You may exit the test program which runs automatically by pressing the {End}
key.  Then just run your own CP/M programs as if you were sitting at a CP/M

If you want to permanently remove the test program so that it isn't
automatically run at every invocation of Z80MU, then delete either the
TEST.COM file or the AUTOEXEC.Z80 file, or both.

There is no manual distributed with this demo.  Try using the Z80MU "HELP"
command if you need it.

Files on this demo disk:

	Z80MU.EXE	The emulator itself.  Run this from DOS.

	AUTOEXEC.Z80	Z80MU's equivalent of a DOS "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file,
			executed (if present) whenever Z80MU starts up.

	TEST.COM	An introductory CP/M program run automatically
			from the AUTOEXEC.Z80 file.

	SETTINGS.COM	A CP/M program which displays some of Z80MU's
			current variable settings.