[comp.sys.zenith.z100] High Density Format Program for Z100s


I have uploaded a file MFORM100.EXE to PD1:<HZ100> directory on system
WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL.  The file is a self extracting archieve which
contains a format program and several other files useful for Z100s
with high density drives connected to the 8" controller.  The files

MFORMAT.EXE - Formats high density disks using AT 1.2 meg or 3.5" 1.44 meg
MFORMAT.PAS - MS-PASCAL module for above
DOSFUNC.OBJ - Object file to link with MFORMAT for low level disk i/o
DOSFUNC.ASM - source code for the disk i/o module
RDALTER.COM - alters bios for AT 1.2, 3.5" 1.44 or Z100 1.25 meg formats
RDALTER.ASM - source code for above
MEGDRIVE.DOC - Information needed to connect a high density drive
MFORMAT.DOC - Users manual for MFORMAT
README.1ST - More in depth description of the files, along with the file

Al Holecek