[comp.sys.zenith.z100] S100 Modem

eboyd@APG-EMH1.APG.ARMY.MIL (Earnie Boyd AMSTE-TAF 3077) (12/20/88)

I also bought an USR S-100 modem (about $280 - three years ago).  Afterwards,
I read about the problems with the USR modem working with a USR 2400.  That
explained the problems I was having with noise on the line with the local
HUG BB.  Happily, they got rid of their USR 2400.

I purchased PRO Driver by Studio Computers, who I think went out of business.
The latest version of PRO Driver supports the USR S100 - I used port address
30h.  The program was menue driven exclusively and I don't like it or use it.
If your interested in buying it, contact me soon (before 30 Dec.)!!!

ACCESS for the Z100 also works, if my memory is not failing.  I seem to 
remember trying a friends copy.  I was not impressed enough to get a copy.

My solution was to get the overlay for modem7 (CPM), and patch MEX, MDM720,
and MODEM740.  They all work fine!  Since I have a V20, I use V2080 to run
the program under msdos version 3.

The only problem I have is that escape codes from remote hosts do not get
through, but that was iceing anyway.

BESTERM - The best modem program I've ever used, does not support the S100
modem.  Bruce indicated he had an early version that did support the S100
card.  I don't know how to get in touch with Bruce.  (Gern, if you can get
the program from Bruce, it would certainly be appreciated.  Also, the 
Version 2.8 source code for Besterm does not include the source for that
part of the code addressing the ports - maybe that part of the source could
be obtained.)

KERMIT - A long - long time ago I assembled a CPM version of KERMIT.  It was
about 100K long.  As I remember (and I'm probably wrong) the ports were
addresses directly ala MODEM 7.  However, search as  I might, I could'nt
find the source code.  I spent a couple evenings with a recent MS-KERMIT
source for the Z100 to no avail.