(Dick O'Connor) (01/13/90)
I've finally gotten a Mitsubishi Diamondscan model 1381A to pair with the ProScan modification. ProScan arrived today but :( our ordering folks must not have included all of my wish list, so the special DOS driver and WatchWord macro I was hoping to use didn't arrive with it. Are there any ProScan users out there who would be willing to email these things for me? It's 16:00 PST Friday right now, and I won't be able to call Paul Herman until Tuesday AM. Yes, I'm impatient, but... :) "Moby" Dick O'Connor ** DISCLAIMER: It would Washington Department of Fisheries ** surprise me if the Olympia, Washington 98504 ** rest of the Department Internet Mail: ** agreed with any of this!
GUBBINS@TOPS20.RADC.AF.MIL (Gern) (01/16/90)
When I bought PROSCAN, it said to contact S&K for the Watchword and the other folks for the other stuff directly. IF anyone has a copy of anything that will work with PROSCAN, please let me know and I will put it in the HZPDLIB and on PITA for immediate distribution. Cheers, Gern -------