GUBBINS@TOPS20.RADC.AF.MIL (Gern) (09/14/90)
Folks: Paul F. Herman, Inc is sponsoring a Z-100 Conference. The following can be used as a valid registration form. I have nothing to do with it other than typing in the following with Herman's blessings from the Z-100 Lifeline Journal. I will be attending and I hope to see you there! Z-100 LifeLine INFO-HZ100 First Annual Z-100 Get-Together Registration Form Please register me to attend the First Annual Z-100 Get-Together, to be held November 10th and 11th, 1990 at the Sheraton Hotel at Military Circle Mall in Norfolk, Virginia. I understand that I will receive a registration pack by September 30th with more details about the conference. I also understand that transportation to and from the event are up to me, and that I must make my own room reservations, if needed. If more than one person in your party will be attending the conference, please make copies of this registration form for each person. Upon receipt of this registration form, and your payment, we will send you a registration pack. This pack will include more detailed information about the conference, plus an I.D. tag. This I.D. tag will be your admission ticket to the conference. Make all checks payable to "Paul F. Herman Inc.". Mail this completed form to: Paul F. Herman Inc., 3620 Amazon Drive, New Port Richey, FL 34655. Name __________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ City ____________________ State _________ Zip __________ Country ______________ Phone _____________________________________________ Payment by Check [ ] MC [ ] Visa [ ] Registration Fee is $15.00 per person. Card Number __________________________________________ Exp. Date ______________ Signature ____________________________________________ Do you plan to stay at the Sheraton Hotel? Yes [ ] No [ ] How many rooms will you need? ____________ [If you are sending in registration forms for more than one person, please indicate the number of rooms on one form only. Keep in mind that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for making your own room reservations. Complete hotel information will be included in your registration pack. ] What topics or type of demonstrations would you like to see covered at the conference? ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Is there any specific information you would like about the conference area? (i.e. restaurants, church services, transportation, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Other comments or suggestions _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [EOF]Gern -------