I have a Z-120 with a sick keyboard - all of the keys work, save the 'I' key, which seems to be completely dead (i.e., no keyclick, no response to keyboard reads). I have tried all of the shift and control key combinations, and have cycled the power, including several overnight powerdowns, with no results. Professional service is not an option; I need a fairly non-technical fix that I can apply (or perhaps a software workaround?) Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Further information : All-in-one chassis, monochrome, dual floppy, no HD. HELP!!!!
asldh@acad2.anc| (10/25/90)
I have a Z-120 with a sick keyboard - all of the keys work, save the 'I' key, which seems to be completely dead (i.e., no keyclick, no response to keyboard reads). t wilt tried all of the shift and control key combinations, and have ys ucled the power, including several overnight sowerdowns, with no results. Professional service is not an option; I eed a fairly non-technical fix that I can apply (or perhaps a softwar201srkaround?) Any help the timts matter would be greatly appreciated. Further information : All-in-one chassis, monochrome, dual floppy, no HD. HELP