[comp.sys.celerity] Celerity 1200 for sale

doug@dix.gps.caltech.edu (Doug Neuhauser) (05/13/89)

The Seismology Lab at Caltech will soon be retiring a Celerity 1200 system,
and will consider any reasonable offer for the following equipment:

(1) Celerity 1200 system containing:
	Celerity C1200-400 CPU
	8 MB memory
	4001 cartridge tape system
	4500R 1600 bpi tape system 	(Cipher streamer)	
	8 line async controller		(Systek 800 with modem control ?)
	Ethernet Interface
	7180 Graphics display w/ tablet	(Raster Tek 1/80)
		(both serial and DR11 parallel interfaces to Celerity)

This represents the contents of a currently running system, minus the disk
drive and controller.  We would like the keep the disk drive and controller
(Fujitsu 2351A and Xylogics 451) for use on another system, but an
appropriate offer could change our minds.  The software purchased with the
system included a 16 user Unix license, f77, C, Emacs, and networking
software.  I have no idea if the software is tranferrable.  FPS (Floating
Point Systems), who now owns Celerity, should be contacted about this.

All inquiries should be directed to me at the following address or phone:
Doug Neuhauser			Div. of Geological and Planetary Sciences
doug@seismo.gps.caltech.edu	California Institute of Technology
818-356-3993			MS 252-21, Pasadena, CA  91125