[comp.os.xinu] Sun3 Version 7

sdo@PURDUE.EDU (03/04/88)

Version 7 Xinu for the Sun 3-50 is now available.  All of the code
from the original LSI version, documented in Dr. Comer's second Xinu
book, has been ported over.  

In addition to all of the routines and libraries of version 6, Sun3-50
Version 7 Xinu includes the following:
    Networking code
        Uses AMD LANCE ethernet controller in the Sun 3-50
	Standard IP protocols
        Unix compatible ruptime & rwho daemons
	UDP echo server
	Xinu remote file system and Unix stateless server support code
	Uses Domain name server
	Uses time server
	Uses ARP and RARP protocols
	Good basis for networking projects
    Built-in shell
        Access to remote files
	Commands to list and copy files
	Syntactic namespace
	Simple date / time type programs as examples

Like version 6, it runs on Sun 3-50's, arranged in frontend - backend
pairs, and uses the standard Sun C compiler, linker, etc.

We are currently using the original distribution, Version 6 Sun3, for
our operating systems class, and are now satisfied with the soundness
of the basic code.  The low level network device driver code is new,
but has been working well for several months.  The upper level network
code is nearly identical to that in the original LSI version.

Two fixes have been made that make this version slightly different
from the code distributed as Version 6 Sun3:

1) The enable() and disable() interrupt level manipulating macros have
   been rewritten as assembly language subroutines.  This allows the
   optimizing compiler to be used.  Also, both routines now take
   the (ps) argument, which was missing (and missed) in Version 6.

2) Watchdog clock routine.  Since the only was to "get hold" of the
   machine once it's running is to send a break down the serial line,
   and serial line interrupts are disabled with the disable() system
   call, student code (at least MY students' code) was notorious for
   leaving interrupts disabled and locking up the machines.  A clock
   watchdog has been added to halt the machine when interrupts are
   disabled for too long (15 seconds).  This may not sound like much
   to you, but after you've trudged over to the lab at midnight to
   reboot all the Suns after some student locked them ALL up from
   remote login, you'll appreciate it!!!   (-:

Technically, the code is provided on an as-is basis.  However, since I
anticipate using it for class work and experimentation in the very
near future, I'll be happy to accept bug reports and (better still!)

Things in the works:
1) Distributed downloader/uploader/odt package.  This will allow a
   virtual pairing between any frontend and any backend machine based
   on preference, load, or availability.  When this is done, the usual
   LSI commands like lusers, odtunlock, upload, etc, will return to the
   scene.  This should be done by the end of the semester, and will be
   available to interested parties by request.

2) Virtual memory Xinu!!
   Preliminary work is being done in a graduate seminar this semester.
   Stay tuned....

Shawn Ostermann
Following is a (liberally edited) copy of the official how-to and whom-to
notice for ordering the tapes:

                      Xinu Types and Price List (March 1988)

Target     Xinu           Host Compiler     Media          Price   Make Check
Machine    Version        Operating System                         Payable To
LSI *      6 (Book I)     Cross Compiler    1600 BPI       $100  Douglas Comer
                          Included          9-Track UNIX
                          4.3BSD UNIX       Tar Tape

LSI *      7 (Book II)    Cross Compiler    1600 BPI       $200  Douglas Comer
                          included          9-Track UNIX
                          4.3BSD UNIX       Tar Tape
8086 %     6 (Book I)     Cross Compiler    1600 BPI       $100  Douglas Comer
           Derived from   Included          9-Track UNIX
           LSI-11         4.3BSD UNIX       Tar Tape
Sun 3 %    6 (Book I)     Sun Micro-        1600 BPI       $100  Shawn 
                          Systems C         9-Track UNIX          Ostermann
                          Sun OS            Tar Tape
Sun 3 %    7 (Book II)    Sun Micro-        1600 BPI       $200  Shawn
                          Systems C         9-Track UNIX          Ostermann
                          Sun OS            Tar Tape
IBM-PC     PC-Xinu        Microsoft C       5 1/4 floppy   $100  See attached
           6 (New Book)   MS/DOS                                 announcement
IBM-PC %   6 (Book I)     Aztec C           5 1/4 floppy   $100  Andy Thomas
Mac 1&2%   6 (Book I)    Aztec C            3 1/2 floppy   $200  Steven Munson
512K mem   7 (Book II)   Macintosh
VAX        6 (Book I)    VAX UNIX C         1600 BPI       $200  Douglas Comer
           7 (Book II)   Compiler           9-Track UNIX
                         4.3BSD UNIX        Tar Tape
VAX        ConcurrenC     VAX UNIX           1600 BPI       $50  Ken Rodemann
                          Compiler           9-Track UNIX
                          4.3BSD UNIX        Tar Tape
      % Prepared by students.  These versions are "as is".

     If you have a UNIX source license, please send  a  copy
     of the signature page; otherwise, we will send you dis-
     tributions without UNIX source.

                    Send your order and check to:
                       Professor Douglas Comer
               (Shawn Ostermann for the Sun 3 version)
                   Department of Computer Sciences
                          Purdue University
                      West Lafayette, IN  47907.
 Information about Xinu is exchanged through  electronic  mail.   To
have  your  name  added  to  the  mailing list, send to  xinu-info-
request@purdue.edu. To send mail to the Xinu list,  address  it  to

Shawn Ostermann        ARPA:  sdo@gwen.cs.purdue.edu
                       UUCP:  ...!purdue!sdo