[comp.os.xinu] porting

comer@PURDUE.EDU (Douglas Comer) (06/01/88)

Are you trying to port Xinu?  If so, it's been done.  If not, I can't
reveal any details of the hardware (we signed a nondisclosure agreement).


comer@PURDUE.EDU (Douglas Comer) (06/02/88)


  >>  Can you answer this?
  >>  Have you implemented complete Xinu, in particular, do you have preemption
  >>  working?  Also, what user interface has been implemented?  Thanks, I am
  >>  considering either using the PC version or the MAC version for a course
  >>  I teach at Drexel University.  All students get a Mac here at Drexel, however
  >>  they do not get the Aztec compiler of course.  Thanks again, just looking
  >>  for advise.

Preemption? Absolutely!  You don't have a real operating system without it.

On the Mac we have a compelte verison 7 system that includes multiple
process support, real-time clock, message passing, networking (including
the remote file system client, ICMP and UDP echo processes), the syntactic
namespace, support for Mac windows, a UNIX-like shell and a set of commands.

On the PC, we have all of version 6 plus window support, MS-DOS interface
(e.g., for the file system).  No networking, yet.  I have a couple of
students working on that this summer (biggest problem: finding an Ethernet
interface card that stands up to the load on our Dept. network).

If you want to use the Mac version this fall, I'll give you a copy of the
manuscript for the Mac version of the book.  The PC edition is already out.

Can you take a trip out here this summer to visit and see what we have
