(Just dial 1-212-976-TART (Brooklyn/Queens/NYC/LI only)) (04/24/89)
Hello, Do any enlightened people out there have any suggestions as to how I might use the Buddy Alg. to improve memory management in Xinu? This is a project I have to do, so while the actual solution itself would be appreciated(:->), the theory behind the whole thing would be even better. Thanx, Adrian Barry.
comer@CS.PURDUE.EDU (Douglas Comer) (04/25/89)
Adrian, The buddy algorithm is documented in Knuth, Art of Computer Programming, but I'm not sure what you expect to improve. Do you have a reason to believe that in your system requests for memory will always be exactly (or just less than) powers of 2 in size? Do you have fragmentation problems now? Also, do you understand that the non-virtual memory system carefully separates stack and heap allocation in an attempt to keep persistent memory allocation separate from stack allocation? I suggest that you read knuth's discussion of various memory management tecniques and some of the subsequent papers before you jump into coding. Cheers, Doug (Serge Rouveyrol) (04/26/89)
In article <> (Just dial 1-212-976-TART (Brooklyn/Queens/NYC/LI only)) writes: >Hello, > Do any enlightened people out there have any suggestions as to how I >might use the Buddy Alg. to improve memory management in Xinu? > see the book of Knuth, Fundamental Algorithm, The art of computer programming Addison-Wesley, chapter Dynamic storage allocation and Communications of the ACM october 1973 Volume 16 number 10 the article A class of Dynamic memory allocation Algorithms, Hirschberg --- ps) Students of Grenoble implement Buddy Alg on Xinu -- "Les jours de pluie ... etc ... " serge@imag.UUCP!imag!serge Rouveyrol Serge,Laboratoire L.G.I,BP 53,38041 Grenoble , CEDEX , FRANCE