[net.micro] Re

Alastair Milne <milne@uci-icse> (01/03/85)

>Have been running MSDOS 2.11 on my Sanyo MBC-555-2 now for many
>months. Michtron's DSDOS+211 also works fine (and supports 96 tpi
>drives--though I haven't tried them yet).
>One feature of MSDOS 2.11 is the capability of using 9 sectors/track
>(360K/disk).  With DSDOS+211 you can format using 8, 9, or 10
>sectors/track (up to 400K/DD disk or 800K/QD disk). 
>I have found 400K/disk sufficient.  We have seen warnings about
>putting quad-density drives inside the Sanyo (heat problem?), and so
>have not d one so yet. 
> Regards, Victor Frank Editor, Sanyo PC Hackers Newsletter

I'm afraid it would take a pretty magnificent extension to DOS to
interest me: something like support for library modules, BIOS
re-entrancy, and other things to give high-level languages better
support.  Which is to say, rather major enhancements.

My real interest in operating systems is the p-System.  I'm waiting
for news of it on the Sanyo.  It will make developing large projects
*much* easier (I'd sooner not go into *why* right here).

The disc size sounds encouraging, though.  I have an MBC-550, with 2
single-sided double-density drives.  It could be worse, but it could
also be much better.  Who is issuing warnings about quad-density

Descending from rumour to fantasy: is Sanyo planning to extend the
keyboard, perhaps to include an ALT key (or an equivalent).  The
keyboard can now handle almost any IBM application except those
requiring a combination of SHIFT and ALT.  Addition of an ALT key
seems a logical extension.

Thanks for your info.  Always interested.
